Careers Department Alumni Sessions – Bio Medicine

It was a rare opportunity for our year 12 boys to hear from one of our graduates with a 90+ Atar who attained a prestigious Science Degree place at Monash University, with a view to going onto medicine, and then decided to transfer to LaTrobe university BioMedicine degree. Our students listened with bated breath to hear his story of coming close to burning out during his VCE studies, how his mother’s advice saw him through and how he ended up at Latrobe University when it is usually the other way around as most students perceive that everyone would prefer Monash for medicine degrees. He touched on how the social atmosphere of Latrobe is different to the competitiveness that is at Monash University, giving advice to students as only a student who has gone through it all can. He is also an avid sportsman with a shot at a place in the national table tennis team so he also gave a few tips to our table tennis players as well.

Our Alumni Coordinator Ms. Esma Yucel also spoke to the boys who are filling in their ATAR Permission slips for our college where they choose to opt in or out of the alumni program & how we are urging all students to join up as networking is very important once you graduate as the old adage suggests “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Ms. Esma spoke from her experiences as she knows full well being an Alumni of both Monash & Melbourne Universities as well as having studied at the North East University of Boston USA.

Mr. Mithat Demir
Careers Advisor MFC